What if I've identified additional services I can provide my client?

Expanding Service Offerings: Seize Additional Opportunities for Your Clients

As tax professionals working with Taxfyle, we have the unique ability to identify additional services that can benefit our clients and enhance their overall experience. Whether for tax compliance, bookkeeping, our niche service requests, if you come across such opportunities, we encourage you to reach out to the Pro Success team to explore the feasibility and pricing of these services. Read on to learn how to seize these opportunities and provide exceptional value to your clients.

Connecting with the Pro Relations Team:

When you identify additional services that you can offer to your clients, simply reach out to the Pro Relations team through the Pro Support Page feature. They will be your point of contact for discussing and evaluating the potential for these additional services. By collaborating with the Taxfyle team, you can ensure our efforts to add value to our mutual clients. 

Assessing Feasibility and Pricing:

The Pro Relations team will connect with our Customer Success team and carefully assess the feasibility and pricing of the additional services you propose. For niche service requests, we will work closely with you to determine the scope, complexity, and value that these services bring to your clients. Through this collaborative process, we can establish fair and reasonable fees for the additional work to be performed.

Providing Value-Added Services:

Once the Taxfyle team has reached an agreement with the client and set a fee for the additional services, you can proceed with providing the deliverables for these services. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your expertise and offer tailored solutions to meet your clients' evolving needs. By going above and beyond, you not only strengthen your client relationships but also differentiate yourself as a top-notch tax professional.


As tax professionals, we have the opportunity to provide exceptional value to our clients by identifying and offering additional services. By collaborating with the Pro Success team, assessing feasibility and pricing, and providing value-added services, we can exceed client expectations and further establish our expertise in the industry. Remember to keep the team informed about any additional services you recognize, and together, let's create meaningful opportunities and deliver outstanding results for our clients.